Policies and Guidelines

Policies and Guidelines


Education Code 48900(r) states that students are under school jurisdiction and shall be held accountable for following school rules while at school and school-sponsored activities and while going to and returning from school and school-sponsored activities.

2021-2022 Dress Code:

Compliance with the following will be expected daily at Castle Park Middle School:

  1. Pants and shorts should fit at the waist and be free from holes and frayed material.
  2. Chests, stomachs, and shoulders should be covered at all times.
  3. Shorts and skirts must be at arms’ length, when standing in a resting position with arms at the sides.
  4. Writing and/or images on clothing may not depict violence, profanity, sexual images, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or weapons.
  5. Hooded sweatshirts are allowable. Hoods, however, may only be worn in extreme cold and/or wet weather, and may never be worn indoors.
  6. Only hats with CPM logos may be worn on campus, and never indoors.
  7. Shoes must have rubber soles, be closed-toe, and fit appropriately. Slippers and sandals are never allowed.
  8. Pajamas and sleepwear may be worn only on specific Spirit Days.
  9. Sunglasses may be worn, but never indoors.

Enforcement of this dress code will be determined by administrators and other faculty on campus.

Please click HERE to view our full Dress Code Guidelines for 2021-22.

ID Cards:

Each student receives an ID card. This card is required identification for students while on campus and must be presented upon request to any staff member, and at school functions such as dances or field trips. If an ID card is lost, it must be replaced. There is a fee for replacement. Replacement ID cards may be purchased at the ASB store.

Closed campus:

We are a closed campus. Students are to remain on campus for the entire school day. If a student has a valid reason to leave campus, he/she must present a note to the attendance office to obtain an off-campus permit. In case of illness, the permit will be issued through the nurse’s office. The nurse, not the student, is to contact parent. Students without a current emergency card will not be released. Students will be released only to adults whose name appears on the emergency card.

Notes for off-campus permits must be presented to the office before school. A call slip will be sent for the student at the designated time. When returning to school, students must check in at the office.

A student who leaves campus without authorization from the nurse, attendance office, or an administrator will be considered truant.

Prohibited items:

Students are not to bring to school items which are not related to instruction. Prohibited items will be confiscated and returned only to parents. Items kept over 15 days may be discarded. School personnel will not be held liable for prohibited items that have been confiscated. Here are a few examples of prohibited items:

-explosives of any kind, including fireworks, matches and lighters

-alcohol, tobacco, drugs and anything related to their use

-obscene or pornographic materials

-anything used for gambling, such as playing cards; trading cards

-“slam” books, photograph collections, toys, stuffed animals, balloons, laser pointers, video games, marking pens, spray paint, or any item not needed for a class

– knives, weapons, and shooting devices and any replica of one, including guns, darts, slingshots, etc.